Thanks for visiting the site and checking out my handmade leather goods. I really appreciate it. I’ve always had a fascination with beautiful handmade leather items. There's something really special about them. I love how they only get better the more you use them.
I remember the first handmade leather item I purchased. It was a leather wallet I found on Etsy. I remember it because it was the first time that I realized I could be purchasing something that would last the rest of my life, and probably longer. I paid 4-5 times as much as a normal cheap wallet would cost, but I would never have to buy another cheap wallet again. It was a great trade-off and an important lesson that if I buy nice things and take care of them they'll last a very long time.
Now, almost ten years after that purchase, I have my own leather goods business. It's a long story, but after a last minute move across the state and a delayed job transfer, I found myself with a lot of free time on my hands and a brick and mortar leather store just a few miles away. I needed something to do during the day and the flexibility to care for my daughter with special needs when she's not in school. I put 2 and 2 together and now I'm making leather goods out of my home:) This is why I do what I do. I want to make products that look great, can be used for the rest of your life, can be passed down to your kids and grandkids, while having the flexibility to care for my amazing little girl. Everything I make is cut, glued, and sewn by me, by hand here in Spokane, Wa.